Psalm 104:5

Psalm 104:5

The earth cannot be moved

Psalm 96:10 tells us that the “world is firmly established, it cannot be moved.” Psalm 24:1-2 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for He founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.” Psalm 93:1 promises, “The world is established, firm and secure.” The earth here refers to the “land” not to the whole planet. In other words, the seas will never again be able to flood over the land, there will always be dry ground and a separation from the oceans and waters that cover so much of the surface of the planet. We have discovered, in recent years, that our treatment of the land affects the seas in that the ice cap is melting and the sea levels are rising; powerful evidence, if any was needed, that if we ignore God then the seas grow in their influence over the land. “Climate change” is God’s way of showing mankind that we cannot live on this planet driven by greed and self-interest, if we do, the waters will start to return.

However, the Lord has already promised that complete destruction will not happen, He will not allow the earth to flood again. The land has solid foundations and human beings cannot move them. We may tamper with creation, the Satan would love to destroy it, but our God remains in control, and nothing can stop Him from keeping His word. If mankind will not listen, then the Lord will intervene but not by means of a flood, the oceans will never again be allowed to dominate the land! Hallelujah! 


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