Psalm 104:35

Psalm 104:35

May the wicked be no more!!

Hopefully we have learned a lot from this Psalm; we have learned that the living creatures that God placed upon the earth are praising Him and are dependant upon Him. We have the learned that the heavens and the skies and all celestial bodies are in attendance to the Lord. The wind blows at His behest, earthquakes and volcanoes erupt at His voice or His touch, even the clouds in the sky and the oceans below are subject to His commands. Inanimate objects resound with His praise, in fact there are only two things that do not praise the living God. One of these is the dust of the earth from which man was made and to which all living things return. The other non-worshipping organism is man! It is human beings who have spoiled all that the Lord has made. It is only human beings who operate contrary to His will. It is only humanity that questions God and believes it knows better. Only humans ignore the Creator and deliberately live in outright disobedience and rebellion. No other creatures that God has made operate in this manner. That is why the psalmist ends his song with what appears to be a very negative request, “May sinners vanish from the earth and the wicked be no more.” If this were to happen, the created world would once again be perfect. This is a cry for justice and for God’s main antagonists o be removed from His creation, then the earth will flourish once again, and all other created organisms will be liberated. 

Paul writes about this in Romans 8:18-25. He too foresees a time when the children of God will be revealed, and creation will be liberated from its bondage to decay. The problem with creation is sinful man, we are the curse that causes frustration for all living things. Instead of working with them, we have brought God’s creatures into slavery and become a curse to them. It does not have to be so for those of us who love the Lord God and who obey His commands. We are called to praise Him, to rejoice in Him and to love all that He has made. It's time to see the world with new eyes. Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord, for a brilliant Psalm. 


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