Psalm 104:34

Psalm 104:34

Take time to rejoice in the Lord

The writer of this Psalm now pauses and reflects on all that has been revealed to him. Have you noticed how he took time to meditate upon the goodness of the Lord and ends up being overwhelmed with the wonder and glory of God’s creation? As we read, we can feel the words pouring out of his heart and what began as a meditation ends up becoming a symphony of wonder and praise that embraces all of God’s wondrous, creative works. I don’t know about you, but I have so enjoyed this Psalm as it has uncovered the hidden depths of the created world and introduced us to new ideas as to how things tick! I feel as if I am looking at the earth through different eyes. 

Do we take enough time out to meditate? Do we have enough moments of uninterrupted peace and quiet where the Lord is able to break through the noise and clamour of a demanding world and where He is able to speak? Is our pursuit of Him and understanding of Him merely an intellectual exercise or is it a matter of the heart? The man who wrote Psalm 104 pondered and wondered and found himself overwhelmed by the glory of creation; this process touched him deep into his heart for it caused him to rejoice. As he gazed in wonder and awe at what God had made, songs of praise welled up from inside and prompted a time of rejoicing in the Lord. That is what God’s works are meant to do, but we need time, we need  time to meditate, to take a deep breath and just look around us, time to read His Word and be amazed. Then we will rejoice in the Lord. 


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