Psalm 104:32


Psalm 104:32

He reigns over all things

This is terrifying stuff because it puts the relationship between the Lord God and His creation into proper perspective. What the psalmist is saying here is, God only has to look at the earth and it trembles. He only has to touch a mountain and it smokes. In other words, the earthquakes and volcanoes that erupt upon the earth are just a consequence of His momentary glance or His gentle touch. Geologists and seismologists would, of course, offer a different explanation because modern science has a pragmatic, and basically godless, view of the created world. So, is this just a fantasy in the mind of an ancient psalmist who lived at a time when these earth-shaking events were not understood? Or are there some grounds for taking this verse literally? 

The only conclusion that can be made, is that the Bible clearly teaches that the planet we live on came about by the Word of God. That is a core teaching of Scripture and is at the heart of Genesis 1 and John 1. Psalm 33:6,9 says, “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, their starry host by the breath of His mouth….. For He spoke and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm.” The teaching of the Bible is that all creation is subject to its Maker. We have been studying this Psalm that emphasises again and again that God is part of all created things, He is the giver of life and nothing exists except at His say-so. He begins life by His Spirit and He ends it too. Nothing escapes His attention; His stamp is on all living things but He is also the Creator of what we humans call inanimate objects. The sun, moon and stars, the heavens above us, the skies, the land, the mountains, the rivers, the plains and all matter resound with His praise and come under His command. Let us not be surprised therefore to learn that earthquakes and volcanoes are not outside of His control, everything on this planet is made by Him and managed by Him. He rejoices in His works and so should we. Hallelujah!


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