Psalm 104:30

Psalm 104:30

When He sends His Spirit

We know, from Genesis 1:2, that the Spirit of God was hovering over the primeval waters before God began His creative acts that gave birth to planet earth. In other words, the Holy Spirit of God was active from the very start of the life of our planet. Job saw that he was not just a product of his natural parents but that, “The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” Job 33:4. Whilst the Old Testament speaks little of the Holy Spirit, it does tell us that the Spirit was active amongst God’s people; in Isaiah 63:10-14 we read that it was the Spirit of God who led the Israelites and empowered Moses and also gave the people their rest in the Promised Land. It was the Holy Spirit who inspired the prophets, who gave ministries to God’s servants and who equipped godly men to serve the people. That is why David pleads in Psalm 51:11 that the Holy Spirit be not taken from him. 

The Father and the Son and the Spirit are not separate but one and the same, God is able to present Himself in more than one way and each of His representations is a mirror of the others. If you want to know what God is like, just look at Jesus. If you want to know how it feels to be close to Jesus, live by His Spirit. That same Spirit is the life force of the earth, just as Jesus is the Word who gives life. All of these representations of God are interactive and also part of one whole Being. 

It is amazing to now see that it is not just human life that is the product of the Holy Spirit’s work, but the creatures of the earth are also part of this process. The Holy Spirit is involved in the creation of all living things and in this way the created world is constantly being renewed. That is how the “dead dust” is renewed, God is constantly renewing the face of the ground. Just as God takes away the breath of animals, birds and sea creatures, He creates new organisms to take their place. Nothing is left to chance, the process continues unabated, all life has its origins in God. Everything that lives around us is evidence of the creative processes of a God who shows Himself to us humans as a Father, through His Son by His Holy Spirit. Please, let’s open our eyes and see what He has made and who He truly is! Wow! 



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