Psalm 104:25-26
Psalm 104:25-26
The vastness of the sea
Yesterday’s national news (10th December 2023) included an account of the discovery, on the Dorset coast, of the skull of a colossal sea monster that terrorised the oceans about 150 million years ago! Whilst Bible students may have something to say about the dating systems used by scientists, we can all agree with today’s verse that “the sea is vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number – living things both large and small.” Up until now the Psalm has embraced the animals that roam on land and the birds that fly through the air, but there has been no mention of the creatures of the seas. The life that exists below the waves is vast, in Genesis 1 the waters are described as “teeming” with living creatures, and there has been speculation for centuries about the true identity of the Leviathan. The root of this word is “Livyatan” in Hebrew, which means to twist, turn, wind, or coil. The equivalent animal on the land is the “Behemoth” and both of these giant creatures are associated with the Biblical dragon of Revelation and have overtones of satanic influence.
Whatever the truth, the psalmist wishes to present us with a bountiful picture of the oceans and seas, places where life flourishes, where ships go about their business and where God propagates life in abundance. Nothing on this planet is outside of His influence and creative powers, all life is His and exists because of Him. John writes of Yeshua, “Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of mankind.” John 1:3-4.
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