Psalm 104:24

Psalm 104:24

How many are Your works Lord!

This is not the end of Psalm 104, as you are aware, but the verse before us today kind-of summarises everything that has been written thus far. Our journey has had us dabbling with the origins of light and the immensity of a Being who treats the billions of galaxies around us as if they were His tent! His messengers fly in the clouds, and wind and fire obey His commands. It is God who separated the waters and created the vault between the skies above us and the watery depths of the oceans and seas below. Even though these vast coverings are separate, they interact day after day and the materials used to form them are exactly the same! Mountains, valleys and plains are the work of God’s hands, as are the springs that bubble from the earth. All animals and birds are dependent on the Creator who feeds and waters each of these creatures independently. In the same way, this amazing, divine being provides for mankind and even supplies our luxuries! Each of God’s living creatures has its own domain and the ecosystems that support each one are perfectly adapted to the terrain and the types of life that exist there. The sun and moon are placed in the heavens to provide warmth and light but also to mark times and seasons, and the daily exchanges between light and darkness are carefully managed so that everything interacts in harmony and with an engineer’s precision. 

Oh, yes, “How many are Your works, Lord! In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures.”

The thing is, you couldn’t make it up, could you? It’s the way that everything works together so effectively that blows the mind! The great brains that try to devise plans and schemes that offer alternatives to the existence of God, fall so far short. There are no logical explanations that can account for the complexity and genius of it all, every human theory about our origins fails because none can explain how the vastness and the minutiae of all of creation can have come together by accident. There has to be design! Thank God today that we know the Designer! 


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