Psalm 104:21-22

Psalm 104:21-22

Big cats!

There are still some hyenas to be found in Israel and also a few wolves, but the country has no big cats. The Lions are thought to have become extinct there in medieval times, probably around the time of the Crusades. The last leopard was seen as late as 2010 but the big cats are now all gone. However, they were commonplace in Biblical times.

Lions do most of their hunting at night as their eyes have adapted to the dark and this gives them a huge advantage over their prey. Interestingly though, lions also hunt during storms. The noise, rain and/or wind make it harder for prey to see and hear them, increasing their chances of a successful hunt. What is also interesting is that lions tend to roar together rather than individually, so everything this Psalm tells us is true, these are creatures of the night that generally retreat silently to their dens during the day. 

What the Psalm is telling us is that even the most savage of the wild animals live by God’s rules, nothing is random. This is not just learned or evolutionary behaviour; it is down to the invention and purposes of the great designer who made everything that lives, according to its time and place. Even the fiercest of wild animals is simply obeying the conditions placed upon it by the Creator. If the Lord God can do this for the predatory creatures of the night, can He not also care for you and me? 


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