Psalm 104:19

Psalm 104:19

The God of time

Having been reminded again and again, of the creative genius of the Lord on the earth, we are now asked to briefly switch our attention to the skies and to consider the sun and moon. When these were created and planted in the heavens above us, God made this pronouncement, ““Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so.” Genesis 1:14-15. It’s interesting isn’t it, that the Lord God’s first announcement is that the sun and the moon were put in place to serve as signs and to mark days, and times, and years? From that moment to this we have, as human beings, lived our lives according to these days and times and years as marked by the sun and moon. The two heavenly chronometers never waver in their accuracy or in their dependability and every human life and every action is governed by them although we rarely stop to think about it! 

Even the comings and goings of the seasons are measured by the activity of the sun and moon and the orbit of the earth around them, and whilst the sun does not change, the various phases of the moon give us accurate timings for all our activities. Ancient peoples relied on this, they did not have watches, clocks, i-phones and modern technology to tell them the date and the time. Let’s get this straight, God devised time for us; He set its parameters and decided how many hours there should be in a day and how many days in a year. All the regulatory information for human activity was put in place by Him and it cannot be redesigned or changed in any way. He did this for our benefit although He stands outside of time. What a designer! Hallelujah! 


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