Psalm 104:15

Psalm 104:15

Wine, oil and bread

We have seen in the previous verses of the Psalm that God is the master-provider. Everything we have comes from Him, all the systems that help this planet to function are the product of His genius. And now, three curious objects that God provides for us are highlighted. They are wine, oil and bread. Note also that wine gladdens our hearts and bread sustains our hearts. In the language of the Bible, the heart is the centre of the human spirit, from it springs the emotions, the thoughts and the motivations that make us the people we turn out to be. Everything that we are originates in our hearts and everyone’s heart is different. The Lord God pronounced a damning indictment of our hearts after Noah and his family were released from the Ark. “Never again will I curse the ground because of humans, even though every inclination of the human heart is evil from childhood. And never again will I destroy all living creatures, as I have done.” Genesis 8:21. The main change in our lives that takes place at conversion is a recreated heart, from that moment the Holy Spirit begins the process of turning an evil heart into a new heart of holiness and faith.

Sadly, wine and alcohol are a major problem in our culture, in themselves they are not evil, God Himself provided them and He does not condemn “a little wine for the stomach’s sake.” 1 Timothy 5:23. Neither does He promote drunkenness and debauchery as a consequence of over-indulgence! 

Obviously, oils were used regularly in ancient cultures for cosmetic and anointing purposes, and these are not condemned either, they are another part of God’s provision. 

In the same way, bread not only keeps the body functioning, but all food is a source of satisfaction and delight. 

All of these things are part of God’s provision, He does not intend for us to starve or to ignore the benefits and pleasures of all that He has made. What He does not approve of, is the endless over-indulgence of the wealthy members of the human race. 

Let’s thank Him today for all of His provision, the essentials and the enjoyable extras that allow us to prosper in this beautiful world that He has made. Hallelujah!

Food for thought; oils were used for anointing Jesus, and bread and wine are the essential ingredient of the Lord’s Supper. Is this verse laying the foundations for what was to come and approving the use of these earthly symbols, way in advance of the entry of Yeshua into our world? 


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