Psalm 104:14

Psalm 104:14

Food from the earth

This Psalm is all embracing, it is trying to show us that nothing is left to chance, that all of creation around us is wired to work in ways that are beneficial to man and to other living creatures. The foundation of the cosmos and the earth are not accidental, the division between the waters above us and the seas below are mathematically calculated, the weather systems that circulate around the earth, and the rivers and streams that flow to the seas, all of these are designed, and every detail is carefully programmed so that all these vast and complex structures interact and do their job. If we interfere with one of them, there is a domino effect that disrupts the others. What an immense intellect this God of ours has, how perfectly He has created this planet, how foolish we are to take it back from Him and to seek to run it without Him. Of course it is doomed to fail under human control, every grasping, greedy interference from man upsets the equilibrium of a beautiful and incredible creation, designed and also maintained by a divine genius. 

We are being encouraged here, to see God’s handiwork everywhere; even a field of grass with cattle grazing is evidence of His creative powers. The vegetable and fruit displays in the supermarkets are visible evidence of His provision. Every field and every grain store proclaims that God is a provider who cares for His creation. If He withdrew for one second, the whole complicated process would start to collapse. How He longs for us to recognise this, to recognise Him and to praise Him for His glorious works. Sadly, most people ignore Him, and they just take it all for granted or give the credit to the farmers for their agricultural expertise. Please, let’s not leave God out of it and let’s not confine our thanksgiving to an annual Harvest Festival either!



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