Psalm 104:10-11

Psalm 104:10-11

He waters the earth

This Psalm is an unfolding description of creation, but it is also a powerful reminder that our God is in control of all things. This is such a contrast, and a conflict, with the thinking of the wicked. The wisdom of man leaves everything to chance and coincidence, we are told that the whole of the universe was born as a consequence of a cosmic big bang, billions of years ago. We are here by accident rather than design, and we are unaccountable creatures who have to control our own fate. It seems that every government and leader of the civilised world believes this satanic propaganda and we educate our children to believe it too! 

The Bible paints a very different picture, one that is so radically different that it separates believers completely from the theories of their unbelieving contemporaries. No wonder a number of New Testament writers describe us as strangers and aliens in this world!  In our world, and the world of the Psalmist, it is God who opens the underground springs that pour water into the ravines. It is God who waters the ground for the wild animals and birds. It is God who cares for the animals and creatures that inhabit the earth; as Jesus pointed out, not one sparrow falls to the ground without His Father’s knowledge. Whilst we may understand the geology behind those springs and mountain ravines, and whilst we can produce irrigation systems, we cannot reproduce the mountains and valleys and underground springs that sustain life and give sustenance to the billions of creatures that live on the planet with us. Every river, every stream, every spring and every waterfall is designed by the hand of a glorious Creator and most people have no thought for Him and care nothing for His involvement in the workings of our planet. Let us have a changed mindset and give Him the glory He is due. Let us see His wonderful creative stamp on all life and the systems that sustain it.  Let us constantly be amazed and in awe of this immense Being who watches over us all and allows us to partake in the beauty and glory of His handiwork. Hallelujah! 


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