Psalm 104:2b-3a

Psalm 104:2b-3a

The heavens are like a tent!

The structure of the heavens above us and the hundreds of billions of galaxies beyond us is not random. It is not the outcome of some cataclysmic Big Bang or any other fanciful, godless theory that science may espouse. How dare men make projections and promote meaningless theories when we know nothing! We have not even begun to unwrap the mysteries of the universe which is so vast that it is way beyond the understanding of human beings. But what is abundantly clear, what space telescopes have shown us is that there is structure and order to it all. What tiny little bits of information we have gleaned from our explorations show us that the far-flung galaxies are not chaotic, they are ordered, regulated and organised. 

The psalmist struggles to describe what he sees so the Holy Spirit helps him to illustrate his revelations. He sees the Lord God arranging the heavens like a tent, as if the earth was the most important place in the universe, and it must be guarded and protected and watched over by an infinite number of other heavenly beings. The waters above the earth, i.e. the clouds, are like the ceilings of a house upon which the Lord lays the beams of the upper storey, in which He dwells. Genesis 1:7-8 paints a similar picture of the Lord separating the waters on the surface of the earth from those above and from which He gives us rain. None of this is random, it is carefully and precisely done, nothing is put in place that does not have a purpose, not least to reveal the care and attention to detail of the Creator. And one of the reasons for this creative spectacle is to show us that we are not alone on this planet. It’s not the Martians that we should be thinking about, it’s the great, majestic Being who occupies the space beyond this world and who watches over every human life that is born into it. Wow!



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