Psalm 104:2a

Psalm 104:2a

He wraps Himself in light

Our journey of discovery begins with light, just as it does in Genesis 1:3. In the same way we are not introduced to the creation of the sun and moon until much later, here light is not the rays of the sun but the spiritual and moral light of the universe. God wears such light as a cloak around Himself, His very presence is the light of righteousness, truth and love. It is the light of integrity, perfection and holiness and it is a garment that never wears out and that He never removes. So intense is this light of His presence that John’s Revelation foresees a new Jerusalem with no need of the sun and moon, for its glory will be visible simply because God is present. A similar spectacle unfolds when Moses encounters the Lord on Sinai and in the Tabernacle where a cloud of glory surrounds them, it is this glory that accompanied the Israelites on their wilderness journey to the Promised Land so that they had no need of torches and candles during the night hours. 

Let’s get this firmly fixed in our minds, where God is, there is light. Jesus declared Himself to be “the Light of the World” and he was not referring to battery power either! John tells us, “In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it ….. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.” John 1:4-5,9. So, Genesis 1:3 and Psalm 104:2 and John 1:4 overlap each other in declaring in different words and at different point in history, that the light of the world is its life. Without life, the world remains in impenetrable darkness and only God can illuminate this darkness for us. That is why a life without Him is so pointless!


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