Psalm 103:9

Psalm 103:9

Righteous anger

We need to understand that the character and attributes of the Lord God are not compartmentalised! He does not show love and compassion to us at one particular time, and then visits His wrath and anger upon us, just because He can! God does not have changing moods, nor does He act on a whim or in isolation. His actions are carefully considered and flow from a heart that is stable and from emotions that are driven by patient love towards mankind. Thus, the anger that God displays is to reveal His righteousness, the two are inseparable; and in being wholly righteous He is wholly faithful. As the sovereign ruler over all the earth who also acts with complete justice based on absolute truth He must, at times, express anger for He is justified in so doing and His righteousness demands to be vindicated. 

Can you see how all of these revelations of His character form a whole and that one part is interactive with others so that He is seen to be completely fair and right in all that He does? As a consequence, God’s accusations are eventually satisfied, His anger, once expressed, is appeased, He cannot and will not continue to be angry because that would be a betrayal of His heart of love and compassion. 

It is so hard for us to understand this as humans, our emotions are driven by the moment, we make judgements based upon our opinions and hardly ever do we know the full truth of a situation. Yes, we can experience a righteous anger, but it is very hard for us to link this with love and faithfulness. That is why we must be slow to judge others and also be prepared to trust the Lord when He says, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay.” Romans 12:19. It is also a good reason why we should not harbour anger and unforgiveness in our hearts, God doesn’t!


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