Psalm 103:7

Psalm 103:7

Make known Your ways

Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the Israelite camp some distance away and he called it “the Tent of Meeting.” That was before the construction of the Tabernacle, and it was in this tent that He met regularly with the Lord. When he entered in, a pillar of cloud would come and stay over the entrance, and inside the Lord would speak to Moses, face to face, as one speaks to a friend. On one occasion Moses asked of the Lord, “If you are pleased with me, teach me Your ways so I may know You and continue to find favour with You.” Exodus 33:7-13.

If you carry on reading Exodus 33 and 34 you will read in detail of the encounter that took place between a man and God, and the specific instructions that the Lord gave Moses including details of the new stone tablets with the 10 commandments. When Moses asked the Lord to “teach me Your ways” what did he mean? I think he was seeking to know how God works with men, how such a great Being could deign to relate Himself to humble, disobedient human beings. I think Moses simply could not grasp how this relationship could work. So God told him! He also revealed His deeds, including creation, which is why Moses is credited with the first 5 books of the Bible – the Torah! May the Lord make His ways known to us too. 



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