Psalm 103:12

Psalm 103:12

Our transgressions are gone!

Here’s another gem! Most of us have a pretty good idea of our sin and how it has scarred our lives. We squirm with embarrassment at the thoughts, words and deeds that came so easily and are now so difficult to shake off. Some things we would not want anyone to know about, and even though we are believers we still wrestle at times with our conscience over events from our past. Yes, we believe that we have been forgiven. Yes, we understand that the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin but still the secrets niggle away, so it’s better to try and ignore them and blot them out as much as possible.

How does the Lord God view all of this? He doesn’t! You see it all ties in with what we have been learning in the earlier verses. God is not just a loving God who chooses to overlook our faults, neither does He forget them! No, His justice and His anger were satisfied at the cross for all who repent and believe. He cannot re-judge our sins because His character does not allow it. If a judgement against sin has been made and the penalty has been paid, God is not wired up to re-visit it. That would be a betrayal of His truth, His righteousness and His covenant promises. It is impossible for Him to hold us still liable for debts that have been paid. That would be unjust and thus a betrayal of His nature. So, He remembers our sins no more, that is part of the new covenant. (Hebrews 8:10-13 quoting from Jeremiah 31.)

For all of the above reasons, it is right to keep short accounts with the Lord. Get rid of the rubbish and cleanse your conscience; even though you cannot forget your misdeeds, He cannot remember them!! If it were at all possible to measure the distance between east and west, then we might be able to measure what has happened to our sins but, of course, it cannot be done. They are gone. Forever. Hallelujah!


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