Psalm 103:11

Psalm 103:11

As high as the heavens

This has to be one of the most beautiful of all the Psalms, so full of meaning, so descriptive of the character and personality of the Lord. I don’t want it to end! 

Should there be any doubt in our minds as to the full extent of the love of God, let this verse remove that doubt. Get your tape measure out and start counting, the task is to calculate how high the heavens are above the earth! Just this week, the Euclid space telescope, which was launched in July this year (2023), sent back to earth its first images of the contents of space way beyond this earth. For instance, there is a picture of the “Perseus Cluster” that contains tens of thousands of galaxies some of whose light has taken 10 billion years to reach us! (So the scientists say.) Our God has made it possible for us to see these things but sadly the men and women behind Euclid cannot see His hand in it all, they are looking for some clues as to how the universe began!

Our God, on the other hand, says to us, “Look at the heavens, look at the Perseus Cluster, as high as these things are above the earth, that is how great my love is for those who fear me.” Psalm 35:5-6 told us, “Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, Your justice like the great deep.” 

These qualities are only revealed and experienced by those who fear the Lord. That does not mean that we come before Him shaking with trepidation, we should do, but He reaches out to those who repent in awe, and He lifts us up and tells us to the gaze at the heavens. “That is how much I love you,” He says. I suppose another way of looking at this is to ask ourselves, “Where is God?” “In heaven,” would be the reply. If that is so, then we are exhorted to believe that the full extent of God’s love reaches from the heavens, where He dwells, down to the earth, and it embraces every living soul that fears Him, or reveres Him. Let us be in no doubt that we are loved and with a love that is way beyond our comprehension. Hallelujah!


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