Psalm 103:10

Psalm 103:10

We don't get our just desserts?

Wow! What a statement! It follows on from yesterday’s revelation about the character of the Lord and how His anger, once expressed, is appeased forever. God is, first and foremost, love, and His love always triumphs, but because He is God His righteousness does not allow Him to overlook sin. Because He knows all truth, all sin must be suitably reprimanded but, once done, He must return to being compassionate and gracious towards us. 

The writer of this Psalm clearly sees himself as beyond redemption, his sins are serious enough to incur eternal anger and wrath, surely no God worth his salt is going to withhold judgement. Not true. Our God is ready and willing to forgive, He will not accuse us or be angry forever, we do not receive our just deserts. He grants us a whole lifespan to repent, to turn away from our iniquities and to seek forgiveness. And if we do this, even on our deathbeds, He will show grace and mercy.

We, as believers, may view this statement in the context of Christ’s suffering and death for our sins. In our situation not only has the Lord God been willing to forgo our judgement but He has placed it on another, on His own beloved Son, and indeed we will never get our just deserts. Everything that Christ did for us is a revelation of the character and personality of our God. How could we ever question His love for us or doubt the depth of His salvation? Hallelujah!



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