Psalm 102:28
Psalm 102:28
Our descendants established before Him
The future is secure! This Psalm was written by a Jew to his Israelite friends and brothers, and he knew that, whatever happened, his people would be kept by the Lord their God. And so it has proved. Despite endless national disasters and centuries of international hatred, the people have survived and, even as I write, are fighting against their hostile neighbours. So, the Psalm boasts, with confidence, that because the Lord does not change, Israel’s future is secure. For them as a nation, the presence of God is in the Promised Land, and even in their unbelief they have yearned to live in that land. Listen to these powerful words from Psalm 69:34-36. “Let heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and all that move in them, for God will save Zion and rebuild the cities of Judah. Then people will settle there and possess it; the children of His servants will inherit it, and those who love His name will dwell there.” We see, as history unfolds today, how God keeps His promises and how, sadly, many Jews still do not comprehend this.
But before we point the finger, what about us? Have we not also been called to live in the Land of Promise? A land that is inherited by faith and that gives us a new status as God’s children and a new dwelling place even whilst we are here on earth? Are we not His holy temple, His people who are kept by His power and entitled to call Him Father. And is it not true that our greatest responsibility is to ensure that our children know this and are established as our descendants before Him?
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