Psalm 102:27

Psalm 102:27

You remain the same

The verses of this Psalm need to be heeded. Most of us live our lives as if we are here permanently, we live with one eye on the future assuming that it will unfold exactly in the way that we expect. Land and buildings are purchased because they symbolise our permanence. Investments are made that protect our future. Pensions and insurances are the guardians of our mortality. As I have discovered recently, this is all a lie, there is not one person who can guarantee that they will be here tomorrow and that all their plans will definitely succeed.

Not so with the Lord our God. He is permanent, His promises never fail, He will never pass away. Roll the clocks back 4,000 years and He was there. Roll them forward 10,000 years and He will be there! That is why faith in Him supersedes all other achievements and goals in this life, we need Him, He is our guarantee of eternal life. Everything that surrounds us, our possessions, our property, the people we know and love, will pass away. Even creation has a time limit, and He will roll up the earth and the heavens, but He will remain, and He promises eternal life to those who love and obey Him. It’s a no-brainer, isn’t it?

The other point that the psalmist makes is that the Lord never changes. He is always the same. The God who dwelt in the Garden of Eden, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the father of Jesus Christ, the father of the apostles, has never changed. His character, His attributes and His glory never fade or alter from one day or year to the next. He remains the same, and His years will never end. Hallelujah!


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