Psalm 102:26

Psalm 102:26

The earth will perish!

It might be a shock for some who read this verse to discover that the earth and creation are just temporary. How did ancient people discover this and what did they believe God was doing when He created it all? 

Psalm 8:1 teaches us that the Lord created the earth to reflect the majesty of His name and the heavens were to be the setting for His glory. 

Psalm 19:1 reinforces this truth and adds that the skies are formed to proclaim the works of God’s hands. 

In Psalm 29:3-9 we read of the power of the voice of the Lord that thunders over all creation and the reaction to this is meant to be one of awe and wonder and cries of “Glory!” 

Job was a man who understood all of this, and chapters 38-41 of his book are devoted to declaring just how much the Lord reveals Himself from all that He has made. 

As Isaiah also declares, “The whole earth is filled with His glory!” Isaiah 6:3. 

Sadly, we live in an age when men’s eyes cannot see and their ears cannot hear and the glory of the Lord is hidden from them. Darkness has come upon the world and a great delusion that denies the very existence of the Lord God Almighty. God’s glory has been blotted out by sin. The darkness will end when the Lord decides to end it! A time will come when He will roll up the heavens and the earth like a cloth and He will create new heavens and a new earth. Everything about the former creation will no longer be remembered. (Isaiah 65:17-25). 

These promises are repeated in Hebrews 1:10-12 and Peter also writes of a day when the heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. But he goes on to say that “In keeping with His promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.” 2 Peter 3:10-13. Hallelujah!


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