Psalm 102:8

Psalm 102:8

Taunting, railing and cursing! 

Teasing, spiteful and cruel remarks are being bandied around, with our victim the object of the sneers and derision. It’s a very lonely place when the world takes against us and the air is filled with ridicule and mocking. I’ve seen this in office situations when the air becomes poisoned against someone, and they have no way of vindicating themselves. 

The taunts grow louder, they are full of condemnation, they are personal and there is no respite. Eventually, the very name of the accused becomes a curse, people heap insults upon him and call down judgement and retribution on his head! They say, “May you become like him”, (him being the one named.) I find it hard to imagine that my life and my reputation could be so derided that others could say as an insult, “May you become like Geoff Abbott!” To be a curse is effectively to be abandoned and rejected by the community, this is the point where a life has no value or purpose. 

So, in addition to physical and mental suffering our writer has now to deal with the rejection of the community. Is it possible to sink any lower? I cannot help myself thinking about Yeshua and the taunting, railing and cursing that were thrown at Him during His sufferings. Our God is able to write about such things because He experienced them. Wow!



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