Psalm 102:7

Psalm 102:7

A bird alone

Well, this is a strange verse! What are we meant to glean from it? A casual flick through various online commentaries leaves you wondering if there is one simple explanation or is this open to individual interpretation? Firstly, it seems that many translations of this verse take the bird to be a sparrow and that would certainly make sense. Sparrows are very gregarious birds, they live in and around buildings and they are prolific in the Middle East; walk through any street or alley in Jerusalem and the sound of their chirping is everywhere. And their principal habitat is guttering, facia boards, eaves and rooftops where they chatter away, very loudly! (Sadly, their numbers have diminished in the UK because of the use of UPVC materials in building’s construction.) It is very unusual to see a House Sparrow alone, or if you do it is a fleeting experience!

This is at the heart of the lament of our suffering psalmist, he was once part of the crowd, he mixed with people and conversed and enjoyed company. Now, he is isolated, the conversations have ended, the company has moved on, the silence is deafening and when he awakes, he is very much alone. 

It is worth noting here the downward spiral of suffering that is being endured; - no sense of time, pointless days just drifting by, body and soul withered and dying, loss of appetite, a sense of isolation and desertion and heart-breaking loneliness. Again I say, isn’t it comforting to know that our God sees, understands and comforts us even in the darkest of life’s experiences. Hallelujah!


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