Psalm 102:4

Psalm 102:4

A withered heart

The previous verse describes the condition of the victim’s bones, this verse talks about his heart. Put them together and we have a man who is very sick, who feels that his life is coming to an end. The mention of the heart could, of course, be referring to the physical organ but it is more likely a reference to his inner being. Everything inside of him is parched and dry, scorched by the midday sun, he has no reason to live, no aims or goals, nothing to give out, no dreams to fulfil, he is spent and empty. Oh, and by the way, he keeps forgetting to eat his meals, so he has no appetite either.

This is a sad and dark place for anyone to be in, when life is hopeless and pointless, when the body cannot stir itself any longer and when all motivation has gone. Many find themselves in this place, it’s a comfort to know that the Bible addresses such barrenness and that our God sees fit to let us know that He is aware of such a state and is able to empathise with those who endure it. Just imagine, it’s one thing for a human being to attempt to describe his darkest moments and quite another for the God who created all things, the deity who rules over all to record such experiences in His sacred book so that we may know that He understands us. Just that truth alone gives us hope. Take that thought one step further, He doesn’t just record His understanding of our deepest woes, our God came and shared in them! “A man of sorrows and familiar with pain ….. He took up our pain and bore our suffering ….. He was oppressed and afflicted ….. it was the Lord’s will to crush Him and cause Him to suffer.” Isaiah 53. 



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