Psalm 102:3

Psalm 102:3

Anguish and judgement

It is quite clear that the writer of this Psalm is undergoing intense suffering. This suffering is affecting not just his bones and his body but also his soul and spirit. (By the way, ancient writers and thinkers did not distinguish between soul and spirit, that distinction only came after Pentecost!) What is also clear, is that whoever penned these words believed that his suffering was a consequence of God’s judgement or wrath (v10), although there is no mention of any sin or failure that could have brought about such punishment. There is almost a sense of acceptance, that if God chooses to judge any man or woman, then He may do so and we must carry the consequences. Can any of us dare to argue, that we are undeserving or that we have never behaved in such a way that we do not deserve to face the wrath of God? Isn’t that at the heart of the gospel, we are condemned sinners, all of us, none escapes from the consequences of sin? 

The victim here suffers in the same way as others before him, (see Psalm 31:10, Psalm 32:3 and Psalm 42:10), it is his bones that feel the anguish and the pain, he aches all over, indeed it feels as if his bones are on fire! This description suggests a fever of some kind that is eating up his days. I’m sure that many of us have endured deep suffering, so intense that time has no meaning, the days are just being burned up and soon there will be nothing left. It is good to know that we are not alone, that the Lord sees and hears our distress and that even in the darkness His will is still being fulfilled. 


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