Psalm 102:23

Psalm 102:23

He cut short my days

It’s a real conundrum, isn’t it? By that I mean that we have to cope, as human beings, with the reality that all human life is cut short, some of us have brushes with death that we really did not see coming! We realise that we are mortal, that these bodies of ours have their limitations and that life on earth is transitory, it flies by and we have no control over its passing. The One who does control our momentary stopover on planet earth has the final say in all of this, “Every day ordained for me was written in His book before one of them came to be.”Psalm 139:16. And this is the conundrum, that this mighty One is eternal, His Being spans all ages, and He observes and oversees the comings and goings of us all. This knowledge promotes a sense of unease, that I am only a finite being and whilst He made me and gave me a rich and fulfilling life, it is only for a time and that time is very short. You might want to ask, “Well, why bother?”

The Psalm reflects this puzzle, because there seems to be no doubt in the first 11 verses that the writer believes that he is dying. His life is passing, and the gates of death await him. However, he then reflects on the eternal throne of the Lord whose “renown endures through all generations.” He understands that one day, all nations will worship the Lord in Zion and he rejoices with hope for, “The children of Your servants will live in Your presence; their descendants will be established before you.” What hope! What a prospect awaits all who trust in the Lord. Hallelujah! 


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