Psalm 102:11-12

Psalm 102:11-12

The Lord sits enthroned forever

We have here two verses that contrast one another and, at last, bring an end to the dismal forebodings! Our deeply suffering psalm-writer has his final fling, he recognises the shortness of human life and the finality of death. All humans are born to die, our lives flash by in an instant. While we are young, death seems an infinity away, even an event that we might never have to encounter; as we get older it silently beckons and becomes an inevitability. The shadows of evening summon us and the grass of life, once so fresh and bursting with energy, slowly wilts and fades from the effects of the scorching heat of a demanding life journey. 

But all is not doom and gloom, for while we may falter and fall, there is One who never fades, who never dies, who sits enthroned forever. It is so important that we grasp this, it is the eternal nature of God that raises Him above all created beings. And because He has always been merciful, gracious and compassionate towards His people, His mercy, grace and compassion are proven, eternal qualities that will never fail.

Notice that the Lord’s renown is eternal, it is passed on down through endless generations. His renown is His memorial or memory, from Abraham to David, to Joseph and Mary and the Apostles, the renown of the Lord was and is part of the heritage of the Jews. From Yeshua’s time on this earth through two millennia His renown has been passed on to successive generations and, as a consequence, you and I are living today under His protection and enjoying His salvation. The Gospel, if you like, is His renown and it will endure through all generations just as it always has.

So, we can contrast the temporary nature of man and the inevitability of human death with the eternal nature and life that is found in our God. An eternal life that He is willing to share with all who believe in Him and obey Him. Hallelujah!



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