Psalm 101:8

Psalm 101:8

Silencing the wicked

We could be forgiven for reading this verse and thinking that every morning David conducted some kind of vengeful cull of the wicked! It was not quite that simple. Apparently judicial cases were heard in the morning, it was a task to be got out of the way early in the day and so prisoners and evil doers were brought before the king’s judgement, and those who were proven guilty would be punished. Remember that justice is not just about the punishment of the wicked but also about deliverance and retribution for the victims. The king’s job was to ensure that justice prevailed in his kingdom and that righteousness was upheld. Jeremiah 21:12 says, “This is what the Lord says to you, house of David: “‘Administer justice every morning; rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed, or my wrath will break out and burn like fire because of the evil you have done — burn with no one to quench it.”

We should, perhaps, remember that with the Lord every day is a new day and that the evils of the past must be righted, and wickedness should not be allowed to prevail. This is a sombre message and because we do not heed it as a society, evil prospers and the wicked go unpunished. Their evil deeds continue to multiply. Who could conceive of a world where every evildoer is cut off from the city of the Lord? Well, one day, when our king comes to reign that will be the norm. Hallelujah!


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