Psalm 101:7

Psalm 101:7

Lies and deceit

Here are two standards that David looked for in his household and that should also characterise our own lives and the lives of those who are close to us. 

The world is full of double-dealers, in fact you might say that most of the business and politics of the world are founded on deceit. People who have an agenda and who twist and manipulate others to gain their own ends are commonplace. When politicians make promises, how many of us believe that they will fulfil them? When business managers change the established way of doing things how many of us trust that this is not to serve their own ambitious ends? Is a gentleman’s word to be trusted anymore? David would not have any of this devious behaviour in his house or in his kingdom, sadly that’s not the way most things are done nowadays. As a younger man I was the victim of this kind of behaviour in church, shame on those who behaved in such a manner! Let’s ensure that God’s house is not a place for double-dealing, may none of us who are in leadership ever practice deceit among His people, however much it may cost us to speak the truth.

And it’s speaking truth that next occupies David’s thoughts. Deceit and lies are happy stablemates, in fact to be a deceiver you have to be prepared to lie. When clients asked me to lie for them in business, I always had the same answer, “If you think I will lie for you, how do you know that I won’t lie about you?” God hates falsehood in whatever form it may present itself. The Bible tells us that the devil is the father of lies so we may assume that all falsehood has its origins with him. So, when it says that we “should not give place to the devil,”I would assume that lies are a very simple and easy way to give him a place! Be done with all of this. Expose the deceivers and the liars, let us live by the truth and may our dealings with others always be founded on what is right and true before God.


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