Psalm 101:3

Psalm 101:3

That which is vile!

The word for “vile” in this verse is “beliyya’al” in Hebrew. In Greek it became “beliar” and was used as a name for the Satan – “Belial.” “What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?” 2 Corinthians 6:15. Paul’s comments in 2 Corinthians have to do with idols and the profanities that were practiced at the pagan temples of his day. We can identify with his sentiments when we consider the vileness of much of the content of our TV screens, cinema films and the internet. We should make a vow this day that we will not look upon such things or approve of them in any way. The same applies to the idols of our age and the artifacts of the world’s religions, it may not be possible to avoid seeing them, but we do not approve of them. 

The world is full of evil and inhabited by those who practice evil. The faithless are those who rebel against God, against truth, against righteousness, against moral laws, against God’s Word, against all that is right. Sadly, it’s a bit of a job to find people and places where all of these are upheld, that is why the church should be so different to anything else on this planet. When we come together with other believers our goal is to celebrate our freedom from vileness and our identity in the Lord. 

If you are a citizen of Christ’s kingdom, you are an exile, because at present the world around you is not under His rule. You are living under foreign rule. While you await Christ’s return, your true citizenship in his kingdom is “kept in heaven for you” 1 Peter 1:4. Like exiles in any country, you do not necessarily enjoy the favour of the rulers of the land where you live, especially when you will have no part in their schemes and their transgressions. Yeshua came to this land Himself but was “rejected by mortals” 1 Peter 2:4; and all citizens of his kingdom should expect the same treatment. Nonetheless, God has called us to stay here, to reside in this alien land while conducting the work of Christ, until He comes.


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