Psalm 101:2

Psalm 101:2

A blameless life and a blameless heart

This is a tough verse, how many of us can say that we are careful to lead blameless lives? There is no doubt that this was David’s resolve that he should stand blameless before the Lord. Maybe it was also his bargaining tool as he sought permission to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Zion. We know that, sadly, his resolve failed him, and the king stumbled into adultery and murder and lived with regret for the rest of his life. However, the Lord still blessed him mightily, the Ark did come to Zion, the kingdom expanded rapidly, the land flourished, and David was hailed as one of the greatest kings who ever lived. Which all goes to prove that the Lord God blesses us way beyond what we deserve, and He rewards our resolve even though He knows that as humans we are unable to keep our promises and live up to our intentions.

In the light of the above, I think the king’s question, “When will You come to me?” is a polite request to know exactly if and when the Ark will be able to come to the city. At the time this was written, God’s presence was not the Holy Spirit within but the cloud of His glory without. How David longed to bring that presence close to home and to establish God’s rule over the land from Mt Zion. 

The verse ends with a further pledge, “I will conduct the affairs of my house with a blameless heart.” I believe that David was not just talking about his domestic arrangements, he was referring here to his kingdom, the House of David, the Royal administration. I realise that what we say does not always match up with what we do and all of us are weak and subject to temptation and failings, however it is what is in our hearts that counts. What do we really yearn for? What motivates us? What really goes on deep within, even though we may make mistakes on the outside? God knows our hearts; He will forgive our failures if our hearts are genuine and right with Him.


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