Psalm 99:9

Psalm 99:9

He is holy!

Psalm 15 begins; “Lord, who may dwell in Your sacred tent? Who may live on Your holy mountain?” The Psalm goes on to list the characteristics of the ones who may experience this privilege. The list includes a blameless walk, speaking the truth from the heart, a tongue free from slander and casting no slur on others. Such a one despises vile people but honours those who fear the Lord and keeps an oath even though it hurts, they lend money to the poor without interest and do not accept bribes against the innocent. Such a person may ascend the hill of the Lord and worship on His holy mountain.

A further condition is revealed here in the last verse of Psalm 99, those who worship at the holy mountain must recognise the holiness of the Lord and exalt Him for He is holy. This Christian faith of ours is not a game, this amazing Being who we call Father is not to be taken for granted or to be treated with disdain. Reverent fear, obedience and love accompany those who enter His presence. Psalm 15 tells us more, religiosity and ritualism are not the keys to the mountain, you cannot climb it by setting yourself apart from other people. The true way to the summit is revealed in how you treat your fellow men. You see, if the Lord God is holy, it does not mean He is unapproachable, what it does mean is that those who draw near are seeking to live their lives in holiness before others. That involves all the qualities listed above, it involves the attitudes of our hearts and the way that we show compassion and mercy to others. The steep climb to the summit of the mountain is for those who set their lives apart to exalt the Lord God in all that they think, say and do. Hallelujah!


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