Psalm 99:6

Psalm 99:6

The intercessors

The role of the priesthood in Israel had many facets and the three men mentioned here were very different, however, one function was common to them all, they were intermediaries between man and God. They were called to intercede on behalf of the people and to instruct them about the will of the Lord.

Moses and Aaron are mentioned here because they were the first to officially fulfil this priestly role. We could look back and say that Abraham, Melchizadek, Joseph and others were the forerunners, but it was Moses and Aaron who were specifically appointed to the intercessory task as members of the priestly tribe of Levi. 

Samuel’s family came from Ephraim but were probably Levites who lived in one of the towns that had been designated to them. Samuel was another priestly man who interceded for Israel and who instructed them about the will of the Lord, especially with regard to their monarchs!  So, Moses and Aaron helped to establish the priesthood and Samuel was involved in setting up the monarchy.

As for the intercessions of these men, there are numerous prayers and pleadings recorded involving Moses and Samuel in particular, how they prayed for the people and how they pleaded that His judgements be turned away from the people. Both men bargained with the Lord and were able to bear witness that God’s wrath was withheld on occasions, and at other times His blessings were poured out. Such was their influence before the Lord that Jeremiah later records Him saying, “Even if Moses and Samuel were to stand before me, my heart would not go out to these people.” 

This teaching is at the very heart of intercession, it requires men and women who are prepared to get down on their knees and beg and who dare to bargain with the Lord and to seek the salvation of their people. It is a role that requires great faith, boldness and intimacy with God and there are very few who pursue this. 



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