Psalm 99:4

Psalm 99:4

The King of justice

Let’s be clear at the outset, God’s might does not prompt Him to do as He pleases or to act out of self-interest or personal ambition. His might does not allow Him to have favourites or prejudices or to overlook evil. Unlike all earthly rulers, He does not use His might for personal gain in any way, but rather that the twin attributes of His justice and equity will be practiced to the ultimate degree. When He judges, His judgements are and will be based on facts, on absolute truth, and no one will be able to accuse Him of unfairness. 

This verse holds Jacob up as an example of the equitable justice of the Lord; Jacob being, of course, another name for Israel. The Jews are God’s Chosen people, who have been allowed to live in His Promised Land, but careful research will show that God’s dealings with them have never been anything other than fair. He has blessed them way beyond what they deserve but He has also punished their sins. Their rejection of Him has led to diasporas throughout the world and loss of their earthly heritage but, at the same time, the Lord God has kept His covenant promises and in this modern day, once again restored them to the land. If Jewish people could simply accept the Torah and what it says in black and white, they would have to agree that throughout their history they have got what they deserved. But they have also been blessed way beyond what they deserve. God’s blessing and His judgement are absolute and based on His righteous truth. He is not to be played with or taken for granted, but those who faithfully obey Him will be enriched way beyond their greatest expectations. Hallelujah!


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