Psalm 99:3

Psalm 99:3

He is Holy!

Verse 1 of this Psalm reminds us that because the Lord reigns, the nations should tremble. This verse tells us that because He is holy, the nations should praise His great and awesome name. I can’t think of any nations that do that, can you? This “calling on His holy name” was a function of the priests, so the verse is effectively saying that all nations should have a priesthood that intercedes for the people by calling on the holy name of the Lord. 

One of the Satan’s most used ploys is to replicate what God has already put in place and if he can, to divide and conquer. In the context of this verse, he has given other “holy names” to the nations such as Buddha and Allah, Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu. Millions around the world praise these names but hold the name of Elohim Elyon or Yahweh or Jesus Christ in complete distain. 

The reason that the Lord is the only one worthy of praise is that He is holy. In being holy, He alone is worthy of complete devotion for He is perfect in goodness and righteousness. I’m sorry, but none of these other gods even come close, there is none Holy as the Lord. He is the One who said to the Israelites, “I am the Lord, who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy.” Leviticus 11:45. By the way, the Book of Leviticus says more about holiness than any other Bible book. In Leviticus spiritual holiness is symbolized by physical perfection. So, let us exalt the Lord our God to His rightful place and acknowledge Him as the only One who is worthy of our praises and He is the only One who is perfect in word and deed and character, for the very essence of His Being is His righteousness.  


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