Psalm 98:4

Psalm 98:4

Shout for joy to the Lord

This is not a polite request, it is a command and one day it will be fulfilled, the whole earth will shout for joy to the Lord. Every person and all living things are embraced by this command and yes there will be a day when all nations will praise the living God and shout for joy to Him. The religions and the gods of the world will be exposed for what they are - delusions masterminded by the Satan. Leaders and rulers will see who the Lord is and pay Him obeisance. Yeshua Himself will reign over the world from Jerusalem and His saints will join with Him on that glorious day, and the world will be filled with His music. How interesting that in these last days, the Satan is trying so hard to replicate this command by pulling huge crowds together just to sing his music. It is as if he is taunting the Lord God, “I can draw huge crowds and make music as loud as they can bear it. Your lot are just whimpering by comparison.”  

We don’t have to wait until the Day of the Lord or some future mind-boggling events to unfold, we already recognise the one, true God and His Son Jesus Christ. The command to praise is non-negotiable, NOW! I feel ashamed that for too long I have stood or sat in innumerable congregations, enduring dirge-like music, amongst people who gaze at their hymn books in embarrassment, their lips barely moving, their hands deep in their pockets and their voices hushed. Is this what the Lord wants? Yes, there are times for solemn reflection and for silent and reverent wonderment, but those moments should be balanced with shouts of joy, with jubilant songs and music, for the Lord is God, He is worthy of our praise and if we have any idea about who He is and what He has done, then that surely should prompt excitement and celebration. 


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