Psalm 98:3

Psalm 98:3

His faithfulness and love to Israel

Last night I watched the BBC News (28th August 2023) and there was an item about the tensions in the West Bank in Israel. The report was highly biased in favour of the Palestinian cause and the main thrust was to do with the Israeli right-wing government and the way Palestinians are being driven out of their land by the growth of Jewish settlements. The Palestinians argued that this was land that they had occupied for many years; the Jews argued that it was land given to them centuries ago, by God!

Later I watched the ILTV news broadcast on YouTube, it was entirely devoted to Palestinian attacks against Israelis in the area around Samaria. There was a section to do with Israeli bombing of Russian military equipment at Aleppo airport, in Syria, and the capture of Iranian arms being smuggled into Israel through Jordan.  

It was a job to know who was telling the truth because both Channels were highly biased and took opposing sides in their reports. What neither broadcaster considered was that the Lord God “has remembered His love and His faithfulness to Israel and all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.” Sadly, the majority of Jews don’t get it and our viewpoint, as Christians, is not to be fed by News Channels but by God’s Word. The state of Israel has been reborn because God said so. It has fought off numerous attempts to destroy it because God has ordained that it will survive. The people who live in the land have seen the desert bloom and the wilderness produce astonishing crops. It is possible for the inhabitants to live side by side at peace, but only if they bow to the will, the love and the faithfulness of Almighty God. Until that happens, Palestinians and Arabs will oppose Jews and Jews will oppose Palestinians and Arabs. This is not just a battle about land but between two dominant religions that have enormous influence across the world. The true God has and will intervene, and He calls people to acknowledge Him; when this happens the peoples of the Middle East will see His salvation and the whole world will sit up and take notice. Hallelujah! 


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