Psalm 97:8

Psalm 97:8

Glad because of judgements?

Although we do not know exactly when this Psalm was written, or indeed who wrote it, you will notice that this verse does not mention the northern tribes of Israel. The 10 northern tribes were extinguished by the Assyrians in around 720BC which suggests that the Psalm may have been written later. It is Zion and the villages of Judah who are glad because of the judgements of the Lord. 

We might think that there is little about the Lord’s judgements to make us glad, however, we have learned that He is wholly righteous, that His judgements are founded on absolute truth and that when He judges, evil is exposed and removed. Imagine the way this world would be run if the Lord judged and removed the evil. No more greed, no more corruption, no more lies, no more jealousy and selfishness. Instead of widespread rebellion against God, all nations would live in fear and awe of Him. Instead of rulers and leaders dictating and driving forward their Satanic master’s agenda, we would have men and women leading us who deferred to the Lord. What a time that is going to be!

Israel, of course, welcomed God’s judgements, so long as they fell on their pagan and hostile neighbours. For them it meant relief from the constant warring and intimidatory activities of the nations on their borders. However, the Lord’s judgements are not so welcome if they fall on His people when they rebel and turn away from Him! I think however, on balance, that it is better to live under His righteous care than under that of godless men. Don’t you? If so, the Day of His Judgement is to be welcomed, we may rejoice and be glad when He comes to reign. 


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