Psalm 97:7

Psalm 97:7

Worship Him, all you gods!

The previous verses of this Psalm have concentrated on revealing the Lord to us in all of His power and glory. He is a God who both discloses Himself but is so majestic that He is hidden from our earthly eyes! That is, until He came to us in human form. In the light of His revelations all lesser gods are put to shame, what are these pointless, man-made objects that so many people worship? Why would mankind bow to them and venerate them when the God above all gods is so clearly visible? Why do mortal men take such comfort and give such honour to objects made of wood and stone and metal when the true God who made these things is there for all to see? The Satan has done a remarkable job in deceiving so many although we would not want to give him any credit! Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God. 2 Corinthians 4:4. (NLT)

The sad thing is that so many people boast of their gods and their idols, they parade them around their necks, in their houses and in their temples. They flock in great crowds to certain festivals and so-called holy days to pay lip-service to their sacred objects while the only true God watches in dismay and anger. Who are these petty idols? How dare they attempt to displace Elohim. He has a message for them all, “Worship me. I am the true God. Do not let the deceiver lure you into idolatry and meaningless religion and beliefs. They are but pathetic counterfeits followed only by fools. Worship me, the God who made you and who is a billion times (plus some) more superior than all of them!”


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