Psalm 97:6

Psalm 97:6

The heavens declare His righteousness

What do we know about the heavens? The first thing is that they are vast, the ancients thought so, the sophisticated technology of modern man has proved them right. Various excursions into space and the discoveries of Hubble and the James Webb telescopes has proved our forefathers to be correct, the heavens are indeed infinite and populated by billions of galaxies. A new piece of kit has recently been launched that is primed to help scientists to understand how these things hang together, listen out for the findings from Euclid! 

Another wonder of the heavens is that the sun, moon and stars are unwavering in their orbits and their cycles throughout the skies, using them we are able to tell time and to construct calendars and timetables for all of our earthly activities. Interestingly atomic clocks now tell us the same time using, yes, you’ve guessed it, atoms. In other words, the vast structures in the heavens work on the same principles as the atomic particles in earthly matter, all of creation works to the same rules and schedules. You might almost conclude that they were designed by the same Creator!

This stability in the heavens speaks, it speaks of God’s power and presence and that when objects of any kind work in tune with His rules, everything is orderly and at peace. The psalmist is telling us that God’s moral order is emblazoned in the heavens, the heavens declare the glory of God. As we have seen before, God’s kingdom is not made up of unattached parts, everything is one. All creation on earth is part of that kingdom, so are the planetary objects in the skies and man is supposed to be the crowning glory, sadly he is anything but. Regrettably, when one-part misfunctions all parts are affected, as the future will show us!!


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