Psalm 97:10

Psalm 97:10

Let's hate evil

Let’s be honest here, things are not the way they should be! We are born again believers in the Most High, we recognise His power and His presence, we are aware of His righteousness, His justice and His truth. In fact, we would go further and say that we love Him and that He is the single most important influence in our lives, and yet, and yet we still sin. We are still enticed by evil, our warped minds still succumb to the devil’s lures and we still, occasionally, find some satisfaction in embracing temptation. “Oh God, help me to hate evil. Teach me to hate evil. Let me reach that point when my mind is so attuned to You and Your truth that I cannot entertain evil in any of its ghastly, grisly guises!”

The verse today gives us two good reasons to hate evil. Firstly, because those who are faithful to the Lord are especially guarded by Him. As soon as we hanker after evil, as soon as we listen to the voice of temptation and follow its silky undertones, we leave the protective care of the Lord. For a time, we are no longer faithful, we have committed adultery with the enemy and the only way back is repentance and confession. Thank God that as soon as we realise the precariousness of our position and the might of the forces against us and we yearn for the safety and protection of the Father’s arms, He reaches out and delivers us from the hand of the wicked. 

There we have it, our Father is guarding us 24/7 and even when we are overwhelmed by enemy advances, He extends His arm and rescues us from evil. What a Father! What a God. Hallelujah!


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