Psalm 100:3

Psalm 100:3

We are His people

There are some very important statements of fact in this verse, so important that they need to be permanently imprinted on our minds!

Firstly, is the fact that the Lord is God, and we are commanded to know this. Our English word “Lord” is a translation of the Hebrew YHWH or Yahweh. There are many theories about its literal meaning for it is a sequence of consonants, Yod, Heh, Waw and Heh, known as the tetragrammaton. Many scholars believe that the most proper meaning should be “He Brings into Existence Whatever Exists.” Whichever way you look at it, His Name proclaims that He is not only God but the Most High God, superior to any other Being anywhere. He is way beyond the rule and authority of the gods of all other religions and faiths. He is the supreme Being to be elevated above all others. Instead of embracing the followers of the gods of other faiths, Christian leaders should be proclaiming to them all that there is only one, true God and that their deities are nothing by comparison. Does it not make you angry that these fools belittle YHWH by bringing Him down to the same level as the gods of the world? It should do, for it makes the Lord angry. 

Secondly, we humans need to never forget that it is the Lord who made us. This verse was written to Israel, but it has awesome implications for all peoples. As believers in this God, we too need to constantly remind ourselves that we are His. “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want …..” All attempts to find some other reason for our existence or to remove God from our thinking are Satan led. Every man or woman who has ever lived are creations of YHWH and are thus accountable to Him.

Thirdly, there comes this very personal statement of fact that “WE ARE HIS PEOPLE”.  It is when this powerful pronouncement by YHWH is enjoined with understanding and acceptance by human believers that an amazing transfer takes place. He does indeed become our Shepherd and we accept our place as the sheep of His pasture. This means that we recognise His ownership but also become recipients of His protection, love and provision. 

What an outstanding verse this is! Hallelujah!


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