Psalm 100:1-2

Psalm 100:1-2

Come before Him with joyful songs

The setting of this short Psalm is given away by its title – “For giving grateful praise.” It was almost certainly written for those who came to the Temple with the intention of offering a sacrifice of thanksgiving to God or a Thank Offering, often called the Peace Offering or the Fellowship Offering. The Offering had several names, but they all mean the same thing and the regulations for this are set out in Leviticus 7:11-34. A special requirement of this sacrifice is that it had to be eaten on the day it was offered so the day would usually be one of feasting! The fat portion of an animal sacrifice was given to the Lord and burned on the Temple altar, another portion belonged to the priests who would be allowed to take the best meat from the breast or the thigh, the rest could be taken home by the offeror and shared with family and friends, hence the feast element! 


V1-2    As we have already discovered, the presentation of a Fellowship Offering was usually a time for celebration and thus this Psalm, dedicated to such events, begins with exclamations of praise. Family friends, who were later invited to the feast, no doubt accompanied the offeror to the Temple to witness the sacrifice and then they would help to carry the carcass back home to prepare for their meal. This was an occasion for celebration and joy and the Lord God was at the heart of it all. The shouts and songs of gladness were directed to Him, it was His goodness and provision that was being celebrated!

It is noticeable that the injunction to shout for joy in verse 1, is directed to all the earth. Every man and women and child that lives, has a duty to give thanks, to praise the Lord God and to worship Him. He is the God over all gods and He is the God of all people, even those who do not recognise Him or believe in Him. Sadly, even His own choose to ignore Him at times and there are many who frequent churches but rarely lift their voices in joyful songs. Let’s make sure that we are grateful recipients of His provision and that we make time to bring our Fellowship Offerings to His throne, we may not have to slay animals, but we can still sing songs of joy!


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