Psalm 97:5

Psalm 97:5

The mountains melt before Him

Mountains are glorious structures that dominate vast areas of the earth. Countless people pull back the curtains every morning and there are the familiar scenes, towering peaks that reach to the heavens and that proclaim stability and strength. Throughout the ages, many have believed that the higher up a mountain you climbed, the closer to God you became. Moses and Elijah both discovered this, but it was not only believers in Elohim who took this view. Many, if not all the ancient religions, built their altars and their temples on high places to symbolise the difference between earthly men and heavenly gods. The Israelites, of course, pitched the Tabernacle at Shiloh for many years (near Mt Ebal and Mt Gerizim), David moved it to Zion and Solomon built his Temple on Mt Moriah. Jesus was transfigured probably on Mt Hermon and He left this world from the Mount of Olives. All of these peaks are familiar in the Biblical accounts, and they all have associations with the presence of the Lord God. 

What has all of that to do with today’s verse? Well, the psalm writer is telling us that even these formidable and apparently immoveable objects that tower over the earth are as nothing to God. One breath, one hint of His presence and even the mountains melt like wax. Perhaps volcanos like Etna and Vesuvius were known to the writer and singers of this song? They knew that the Lord God could take the most stable object on the planet’s surface and melt it like wax. Jesus tells us, “If anyone says to this mountain, “Go, throw yourself into the sea” and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.” Mark 11:23. Don’t let the mountains of life scare you and do not let them stand in your way, your faith in Almighty God can move them. Failing that, climb over them and praise God’s holy name as you do so! Hallelujah!


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