Psalm 97:2

Psalm 97:2

Clouds surround Him

Job 22:14 says, “Thick clouds veil Him, so He does not see us as He goes about in the vaulted heavens.” When Moses ascended Mount Sinai he was enveloped by a thick cloud and hidden from the sight of the people who believed that the Lord Himself was present within that heavenly canopy. The cloud of God’s protection covered the people during the daytime hours throughout their wilderness wanderings, clouds and the sanctity of God’s presence are a regular feature in the Scriptures. 

I was driving to Heathrow Airport last evening and the western sky was filled with towering clouds, suddenly the setting sun broke through below them, just at the moment that the Aaronic blessing was playing on my car radio, “May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.” The vaulted heavens still protect us from the full glare of His face for who could bear to see Him? However, occasionally He allows us a little glimpse of His glory and how our hearts are thrilled! 

Here is another pairing, our old friends “righteousness and justice” make a further appearance. These are presented as the foundation blocks of the throne of God and remind us that His power is founded on these principles. All human power is built upon dubious roots, not so with God! His power and authority rest on absolute truth and absolute justice for He knows the facts, He knows the motives, and He knows the reasoning behind every human action. 


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