Psalm 96:6

Psalm 96:6

The glory of His sanctuary

We have noticed in previous Psalms that the writers love to use couplings to describe the attributes of the Lord God. The most familiar is “love and faithfulness”, closely followed by “righteousness and justice.” Here we have two more of these descriptive pairings, “splendour and majesty” and “strength and glory.” These attributes are depicted here as divine attendants that serve before God’s throne and are present within His Holy Sanctuary. This amazing, singular Being that we call our God, is surrounded by such qualities, He is exalted far above all other gods and only those virtues that are holy and true are found within His presence. These are not statues or icons forming some kind of corridor of power, these are the adjectives flowing from the pens of godly men who are struggling to give us some kind of indication of the character and nature of the God we call Father. As we approach Him we are surrounded by love – faithfulness – righteousness – justice – splendour – majesty – strength - glory! How beautiful! How glorious! He is untarnished, without blemish and without impurity. In that heavenly throne room no one can accuse Him, no one can find offence in Him, no one can dare to argue against Him or question His ways and His words, He is beyond reproach and utterly outside of all human experience. The path to His throne is paved with perfection and we all fall far short, who dares to enter? Thank God that it is covered with a red carpet, stained by the blood of His eternal sacrifice that cleanses the iniquities of sinful people and washes us so clean that we may approach Him and dwell in His presence. This is our God! Hallelujah!


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