Psalm 96:13

Psalm 96:13

He will judge the world in righteousness

At the introduction to this Psalm, we described it as a song of praise for the whole world. Psalm 96 has turned out to be a call to all nations on every continent to proclaim God’s glory and honour. We have seen that the praises of God are not just limited to mankind but that all creation joins in acclaiming the honour and glory of its Maker. But the Psalm ends on a sombre note for those who do not or will not believe in Him. 

While all living things that honour the Lord will rejoice at His coming, we are warned that this tumultuous event will bring about His judgement. For if He comes to reign then He must reign in righteousness and with faithfulness. He will not be able to turn a blind eye to or ignore those who are in rebellion against Him. The world will have a ruler who reigns without corruption or partiality or bias, every man and woman will be treated alike, and all will be called to bow the knee to the Lord. 

Later Biblical texts suggest that it is the reign of Jesus Christ that will bring peace and order to our world and that His government will be the fulfilment of the final thousand years of human history. At its end there will be yet another uprising when the Satan’s full fury is unleashed, and mankind will have its final choice to obey or rebel. Note that the final judgement will always be characterised by righteousness and faithfulness, God has never dealt with us all any other way! Follow the way of righteousness now for it is God’s way. Live in the light of His faithfulness and allow Him to embrace you in His love. That is what He has always purposed for His people, for Israel and for His chosen ones today. In so doing we know that we have nothing to fear from Him and we will join with all creation in worship and acclaim when He comes to reign. Hallelujah! 


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