Psalm 96:11-12

Psalm 96:11-12

All Creation sings!

The teaching of the previous verses is now brought into full perspective because the kingdom of God is one, it all groans under the burden of His wrath and His righteousness. The created world groans at this very moment under the effects of what many call “climate change”. But the key to the current disasters is not the burning of fossil fuels but man’s greed, corruption, lack of a moral compass and rejection of His Creator! We can now see before our very eyes, that the judgement of creation is at one with the judgement of humanity, we are not separated, if one suffers then the other must suffer too. If one is liberated, then the other is liberated too. As people say, “it is written in the stars.” (But not in horoscopes!)

So, this Psalm points forward, prophetically, and anticipates a day when the Lord will come and, as Paul wrote in Romans 8:22-24, all the groaning will cease and the whole of creation will rejoice. We will discover on that day that the heavens rejoice, that the earth is full of gladness, that the sea resounds with praise as does every creature within it. The fields will be jubilant, as will the trees of the forest, and every living creature will sing for joy. We will hear birdsong like we’ve never heard before and we who live to see that day will sing for joy too for we are one and God’s kingdom will embrace us all! Hallelujah!


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