Psalm 95:7

Psalm 95:7

The people of His pasture

In ancient times, kings and rulers were often referred to as the shepherds of their flock or their people. It was a fitting analogy for their subjects relied on the rulers to protect them and feed them and guide them and prosper them etc. Consequently, the kingdom or realm became known as the pasture of whoever happened to rule over it. Modern animal farmers still refer to their fields as their pasture, as opposed to the land of the neighbouring occupant.

When we come to faith in the living God and are numbered amongst His sheep, we become the people of His pasture and are immediately offered the exceptional benefits that come from being honoured in this way. “The Lord is my Shepherd” writes David in Psalm 23, a phrase that is pregnant with meaning and that has blessed so many over the centuries. The Shepherd Psalm spells out the privileges that come from being cared for by the Good Shepherd and they are numerous.

Here, in today’s verse, the flock is, of course, Israel and the pasture is a tract of land on the eastern borders of the Mediterranean Sea. Our pastureland, as believers, is heavenly and spiritual but we get the same care, protection and provision, there is not one second of this day when you and I will not be guarded, provided for and guided. With these privileges come responsibilities, to stay close to the shepherd and not wander off! To listen carefully to His instructions. To hang on tight to Him when the going gets rough. What an honour to be in the flock that is under the care of Almighty God! 


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